New Followers

This is my New Blog:

I have another blog, Have You Heard, but I want to share parenting tips, share my family experiences, recipes, and discuss other issues that don't always relate to my fiction craft, writing blog, so I decided to start a second blog. I remember how long it took, on my other blog to build an audience and gain followers, so I'm not too excited about the prospect of starting over. I hope some of my followers/readers from my other blog will also follow this blog. I remember those first few weeks, when I had only one follower-then three-five-ten, and it was a lonely feeling. I'm sure many of you remember that lonely feeling, don't you?

If you have landed here from a google search, word of mouth, my other blog, or by sheer accident, I hope you will stay a while. Please add your name and a link to your blog, over on the right side bar of this blog, using my google friend connect. You can't miss it, it's the lonely little gadget without many photos. But, as soon as you add your name and a link to your blog, the photos of my peeps will begin to grow.

If you decide to follow me via google friend connect, I promise to follow you back. I won't just follow you, I will read your blog and I always leave comments when I read a blog post. You can also add me to your google plus circles. The google plus circle gadget is on the left sidebar. I will also add you to my circles, but be forewarned- I haven't really gotten the hang of google plus.

Are you a Twitter addict? I'm just now beginning to catch on to the Twitter learning curve. I am falling in love with Twitter. Please follow me on Twitter. My user name is msugar13 and you can find me here on Twitter.

I'm also on Facebook. My name is Melissa Sugar and I am married to Daryl Gold. We are both lawyers, so I kept my maiden name, but sometimes I use a hyphenated version so people will recognize me and to make it easier for people to find me. Find me on FaceBook here.

I hope you enjoy my blog.

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