Top 10 Ways to Bullet Proof Your Marriage:

It's no secret that a happy marriage requires work & compromise. I quickly learned that a second marriage begins with built in problems and baggage, that doesn't affect first marriages. Read this, for more information on the top ten reasons that a second marriage is likely to end in divorce.
So, you want to make it work, the second time around.
You & me both.
What can we do to reduce the odds of our second or subsequent marriages ending in divorce.
1. Communication: This sounds like a no-brainer, right? It's such a simple idea, that we overlook it. Communication in key in any marriage, but in a second marriage, it's just as or even more important that we communicate with our spouse. We must communicate our needs, our bottom line, and we can't expect our spouse to read our mind.
Keep in mind, when communicating with your spouse, it's not only what you say, but the way you say it that counts. Pay close attention to your body language, tone of voice, choice of words, gestures & mannerisms.
How do we fight fair? We make an effort not to push the other person's buttons. We limit the scope of the argument to the relevant issues. Never bring up past mistakes. If you've forgiven your spouse for a past blunder, then keep your word & leave the past where it the past.
3. Set Boundaries & Rules (and stick to them): Couples argue. That's a fact. Women & men have different ideas about how to settle disagreements. That's another fact. My husband & I used to argue about stupid things and then it would turn into something bigger. When it did, he would storm out (of course, without stopping to calmly tell me where he was going), and then to make me even crazier, he would turn off his phone so that I couldn't reach him. When you have a pissed off woman who is crying and you storm out and then refuse to take her call...let me tell you, she does not calm down very easily. This became a huge issue in our marriage.
Referring back to #1-communication, we weren't doing a very good job. When we argued, I got emotional. Yup, I'm a chick. I screamed, yelled, cried, threw things (well maybe I shouldn't admit to the last one), and my tone grew louder and more sarcastic with each word. Sound familiar, anyone? It's okay, you don't have to admit to it.
So we weren't communicating & we damn sure didn't know how to fight fair. What my husband didn't know, was that by walking out on me, he scared the hell out me. What I didn't know, was that he wasn't walking out on me, he just needed to get away from my emotional, hormonal outburst, before he said something he didn't mean & would later regret.
Once we explained our fears & feelings to each other & understood how the other felt, we'd taken the first step. We eventually set some ground rules for our fights. I know...I know- sounds horrible the need to set rules for future fights. But, hey, it works. When things get heated between us (not in the good passionate heated way) and the fighting escalates, we've agreed (ahead of time), that if he needs to get away, he can leave the room (not the house) without me following & yelling. In return, he recognizes that he must return when things have calmed down so we can resolve the issue.
4. Trust: Earn it, keep it, be worthy of it & never ever break it. Be truthful. Having lies & secrets will create distance.
5. Don't Nag: Nothing drives a man crazier than a nagging wife and it goes for nagging husbands as well. He did not marry you so you could mother him. Just don't do it.
6. Respect: Never talk disparagingly abut your spouse to others, this includes your mom & your b/f/f's. You owe each other respect. Respect the marriage & respect each other
7. Get Over Jealousy: Jealousy is usually our own issue. We often arrive in the marriage with the jealousy baggage and if we don't learn how to feel good enough about ourselves and secure in our marriage, then our jealousy will lead to a loving, faithful spouse calling it quits. The irony is that the downfall of our marriage won't be because our partner was unfaithful, it will be because he/she couldn't take our unfounded jealousy any longer.
8. Don't be annoying: This includes gross personal habits, personal hygiene, habits (always being late, never being dressed when it's time to leave), nitpicking & anything else that you know is annoying or that your spouse continually tells you is annoying.
9. Sexual Intimacy: Keep things fresh & sexy in your marriage.
10. Know when to Mind your own business: Stay out of issues between your spouse and her/his ex, especially when it concerns their children (unless the issue directly impacts you) and then you should allow your spouse to handle the issue, with your input.
One final suggestion: I suppose this could be counted as tip number eleven (11), but I believe this tidbit applies to each of the above listed tips. For your marriage to work, you need to give up your need to always be right. This applies to communication, fair fighting and all of the others. This includes lecturing your spouse. Just don't do it.
Nobody likes (or loves) a know-it-all. Be sincere, admit when you are wrong and don't be afraid to tell your spouse that you are a little insecure about the marriage. Men will respect you for this and will work hard to diminish your doubts & worries. On the other hand, if, you resort to game playing, jealousy & other immature & selfish acts...nothing will send him packing, faster.
How about you? Can you share some tips for bullet proofing your second or subsequent marriage? When you leave a comment on this post or any other post on this blog, don't forget to pop over to my other blog, Have Your Heard, and add another entry in my prize give a way. You get an additional entry for each comment you leave on either blog. The grand prize is an iPad mini
Referring back to #1-communication, we weren't doing a very good job. When we argued, I got emotional. Yup, I'm a chick. I screamed, yelled, cried, threw things (well maybe I shouldn't admit to the last one), and my tone grew louder and more sarcastic with each word. Sound familiar, anyone? It's okay, you don't have to admit to it.
So we weren't communicating & we damn sure didn't know how to fight fair. What my husband didn't know, was that by walking out on me, he scared the hell out me. What I didn't know, was that he wasn't walking out on me, he just needed to get away from my emotional, hormonal outburst, before he said something he didn't mean & would later regret.
Once we explained our fears & feelings to each other & understood how the other felt, we'd taken the first step. We eventually set some ground rules for our fights. I know...I know- sounds horrible the need to set rules for future fights. But, hey, it works. When things get heated between us (not in the good passionate heated way) and the fighting escalates, we've agreed (ahead of time), that if he needs to get away, he can leave the room (not the house) without me following & yelling. In return, he recognizes that he must return when things have calmed down so we can resolve the issue.
4. Trust: Earn it, keep it, be worthy of it & never ever break it. Be truthful. Having lies & secrets will create distance.
5. Don't Nag: Nothing drives a man crazier than a nagging wife and it goes for nagging husbands as well. He did not marry you so you could mother him. Just don't do it.
6. Respect: Never talk disparagingly abut your spouse to others, this includes your mom & your b/f/f's. You owe each other respect. Respect the marriage & respect each other
7. Get Over Jealousy: Jealousy is usually our own issue. We often arrive in the marriage with the jealousy baggage and if we don't learn how to feel good enough about ourselves and secure in our marriage, then our jealousy will lead to a loving, faithful spouse calling it quits. The irony is that the downfall of our marriage won't be because our partner was unfaithful, it will be because he/she couldn't take our unfounded jealousy any longer.
8. Don't be annoying: This includes gross personal habits, personal hygiene, habits (always being late, never being dressed when it's time to leave), nitpicking & anything else that you know is annoying or that your spouse continually tells you is annoying.
9. Sexual Intimacy: Keep things fresh & sexy in your marriage.
10. Know when to Mind your own business: Stay out of issues between your spouse and her/his ex, especially when it concerns their children (unless the issue directly impacts you) and then you should allow your spouse to handle the issue, with your input.
One final suggestion: I suppose this could be counted as tip number eleven (11), but I believe this tidbit applies to each of the above listed tips. For your marriage to work, you need to give up your need to always be right. This applies to communication, fair fighting and all of the others. This includes lecturing your spouse. Just don't do it.
Nobody likes (or loves) a know-it-all. Be sincere, admit when you are wrong and don't be afraid to tell your spouse that you are a little insecure about the marriage. Men will respect you for this and will work hard to diminish your doubts & worries. On the other hand, if, you resort to game playing, jealousy & other immature & selfish acts...nothing will send him packing, faster.
How about you? Can you share some tips for bullet proofing your second or subsequent marriage? When you leave a comment on this post or any other post on this blog, don't forget to pop over to my other blog, Have Your Heard, and add another entry in my prize give a way. You get an additional entry for each comment you leave on either blog. The grand prize is an iPad mini